Founders and owners of the prestigious CALAYAN SURGICENTRE-
Dr. Manny and Pie Calayan have long recognized the need of Filipino men and
women to have a truly clear, fair, soft and smooth unblemished complexion
despite being exposed to a humid, tropical climate and polluted environment
which tend to cause skin problems, which, unless checked, may worsen. Both have
thus decided it’s time to share their best kept secret: a simple regimen that
with continued use can really give the desired result.
This year, on their 20th year, the unparalleled
authority in beauty reveals CALAYAN SECRETS. Common skin problems like uneven
or blotchy, or dull, dry or rough textured skin have been the cause of shame, misery and lack of confidence among
many youths and adults alike. Just as skin types are different, so should it be
when it comes to one’s choice of soap. Imagine the frustration of many who
believed in the hype that failed to yield the results desired. By now,
consumers have wizened up, realistic too, that not all soaps can provide one’s
skin with the silky, smooth, soft-to-the-touch suppleness, nor can it really
make one’s skin whiter like this or that with a celebrity.

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