Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Laguna IT Jam: The 1st Santa Rosa Hackaton

Santa Rosa City, Laguna Philippines -- The Government of Santa Rosa, Laguna and BlackBerry Pilipinas Community has collaborated to bring you "Laguna IT Jam 2015". IT companies from all over Metro Manila will be coming over to the City Hall of Santa Rosa on July 9, 2015 to educate, and inform the whole city about the latest and advanced technology developed for mankind.
 Samsung, Lenovo, Intel Security, Adobe, Citrix are just some of the names that will be participating in this prestigious event. The head of the City Information Technology Office of Santa Rosa City, Laguna Mr. Arnold B. Arcillas will be the one who will be doing the welcoming remarks for guests and speakers.
TV5 and Rappler will be there to cover, while Wazzup Pilipinas TV will be the official media partner of the event.
This event has been sponsored by the City Government of Santa Rosa, Laguna headed by Mayor Arlene Arcillas and CITO Head, Mr. Arnold B. Arcillas.
The whole day event which will start at 9am will be filled with information seminars, expos and mini-hackaton that will expose the whole city of Santa Rosa to the word "Technology". This event is also part of the celebration of Santa Rosa, Laguna "Cityhood" Anniversary, which commemorates the day Santa Rosa has been recognized as a 'City'.
The event proper will be held at the new city hall building B auditorium, that can house up to 700 people, while outside the auditorium, people can be able to see different demos and exhibits in which they can be able to interact and use during that day.
Lastly, there will also be raffles and giveaways that will be given away to lucky attendees by the end of the day.

For more information or if you want to register, do check out http://lagunaitjam.eventbrite.com

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