Summer is just around the corner! And, what does that mean? Sun. Sand. And SURF! Why not?
All of us already know that surfing is an exhilarating extreme sport. Immersing yourself into a surfer’s culture brings benefits that make it one of the most unique and fulfilling experiences of your life.
Fitness. Build your more than usual dream “beach bod.” Surfing a physically demanding activity, but a fun one at that. You engage your entire body when you start to surf. The more you surf, the more motivated you become to becoming fit and healthy. When you’re healthy, you give instantly give yourself a confidence boost.
Travel. If you need to get away, you’ll find a perfectly good form of release through this activity. You’ll find solitude. You’ll make new friends. And, I’ve got to admit, being on those waves gives one a sense of oneness and respect for nature. There’s really always something therapeutic in whisking yourself for a while.
Now, take a hold of life by getting on that board and enjoying every bit of surf time on the water.

Wavepool. Beginners get the chance to perfect their stance and balance on the surfboard, learn and improve their paddling, and catch a few surfing tricks on their own. For those who aren’t really amateurs in surfing, it’s a good avenue to find a consistent rhythm of waves and a spot with the ability to practice “crowd control” at the lineup.
Age. Jim Moriarty of SurfRider Foundation says, “As soon as they express an interest.” Nan Waldman of Education + Parenting in Quoradinating adds, “Whenever the child herself or himself feels ready and WANTS to.” SurfSimply’s Harry Knight caps it well, “In my experance over the years, there is no correct age to teach someone, and I have taught children as young as 2, and adults in their 70's.”
TropicalSwells is excited to teach anyone interested, starting from 4 years old and up. Equipped with life-saving skills, our instructors are ASI-certified.
IntroSurf. Want to surf? We guarantee you’ll learn the basics of surfing and surf waves on the wave pool in 2 hours.
SurfCamp. Serious about the sport? From level zero, you’ll be surfing ocean waves in only six 2-hour sessions.
Supercharge your summer with the coolest ‘swells’ coaches in our tropical country. Whether you’re looking just a day-trip, or you want to pack a couple days in, TropicalSwells offers a great package for you!
For inquires, please contact
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