Thursday, February 15, 2024

Exploring Advertising and Esports: Insights from the 20th Ad Congress at PUP Sta. Mesa

The 20th Ad Congress, hosted by K1Naiya at PUP Sta. Mesa on February 14, 2024, proved to be a dynamic and enlightening event, offering insights into the ever-evolving landscape of advertising and esports.

Renz Louie Celeridad, a seasoned advertising professional, took the stage to share his expertise on storytelling techniques and the importance of authenticity in advertising. With a focus on purpose-driven marketing, Celeridad delved into the core reasons behind advertising efforts and emphasized the significance of staying true to one's brand identity. As his speech drew to a close, he left the audience with invaluable points to remember, equipping them with actionable insights for their own advertising endeavors.

In an engaging icebreaker game, attendees participated in a round of 2 truths and 1 lie centered around storytelling. This interactive activity not only fostered a sense of camaraderie among participants but also served as a fun and creative way to explore the nuances of effective storytelling in advertising.

Christopher Tejada took the stage to shed light on the burgeoning realm of esports, a phenomenon that has gained significant traction, particularly during the pandemic. Tejada elucidated the distinction between gaming and esports, highlighting the competitive and communal aspects that define the latter. He further emphasized the importance of forging connections within the esports community, underscoring the potential for brands to engage with audiences in this rapidly growing space.

As a testament to the success and prominence of esports, a video showcasing the journey of Renejay, a rising star in the esports scene, was presented. Renejay's story served as a poignant example of the opportunities and achievements attainable within the esports industry, inspiring attendees to explore the vast potential of this burgeoning field.

Overall, the 20th Ad Congress proved to be an enriching and illuminating event, offering attendees a wealth of knowledge and insights into the realms of advertising and esports. With thought-provoking discussions, interactive activities, and real-world success stories, the congress provided a platform for professionals and enthusiasts alike to explore, learn, and connect in the ever-evolving world of marketing and gaming.

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